If you are a manufacturer or a retailer of household appliances or air conditioners, this section is for you.
Members Page

News | March 17, 2025
GoRecycle Awards 2025
Making a real impact in the fight against climate change and waste reduction is no small feat. It requires a strong network of committed partners—without whom none of this would be possible.
That’s why we’re proud to introduce the GoRecycle Awards. These awards recognize the outstanding contributions of our independent retail members and banners offering home collection
Quick links
- Reporting A tool that allows you to easily file reports online
- Collection service for retailers Online collection request form
- Documentation All documentation for members
- Communication tools Tools to promote the collection with purchase service
- Training Training to promote the collection with purchase service
Keeping you informed about what really matters to you
Why consult this newsletter?
- To get an update of the actions taken by GoRecycle, in addition to press releases and recent operational and administrative directives;
- To better understand the actions taken by government bodies to defend and promote your interests;
- To learn about current and future member services;
- To stay informed about the environmental news from our global collection network.
Want to receive our member newsletter?
Collaborate with us
Become a member
You are a manufacturer or a retailer of household appliances or air conditioners?
We can help you meet your legal obligations and provide the tools you need to get it right.
Become a collection partner
GoRecycle offers a free collection service to all its members across Quebec!
If you are a retailer and offer a collection service to your customers, becoming a collection partner of GoRecycle is the only legal and compliant way to dispose of refrigerating appliances.

At your service!
We are pleased to introduce Sarah Da Silva, Member Support Specialist. Sarah is your main point of contact for GoRecycle. She is supported by Karine Fournier-Dupuis, Director of Finance and Administration.
Do you have questions or comments about the program?